09 June, 2012

Looking for Leadership

Last month’s tussle for the leadership of the ALP didn’t just reveal a lot about the simmering resentment on both sides, it also tells us a lot about how Labor and Australia in general relate to the notion of leadership.  Some of the charges against Rudd were that he was (and remains) controlling, demeaning, egotistical and narcissistic.  Really?  Sounds exactly like Paul Keating.  Bugger me, an egotistical leader?  Whoever heard of such a thing?  Never mind the fact that standing for national leader is just about the most egotistical thing you can do.  Like they say in the classics, ego is not a dirty word.  If you want humility, visit a soup kitchen.  If you want a leader, they’re going to come with an ego.

...and if you'd like to read the rest of this piece, you can find it here:

In fact, if you subscribe to The King's Tribune, you could have read it two months ago.

The Tribune is a great monthly magazine on politics, media and culture, taking a stand for the printed word in a digital age.  If you're reading this at all, you probably do most of your news and commentary reading online but even now, there's something for-the-ages about ink and paper.  Another thing about an actual, physical magazine is that you get a lot of articles that you didn't necessarily buy it for, and this can expose you to things you wouldn't otherwise have found through carefully targeted feeds or online peer groups.

There's no official editorial slant, they just publish good writing from interesting people.  If that's your bag, then their subscription rate is very reasonable.  Support independent media in a format that is compatible with all platforms, doesn't have to be turned off on aircraft and never runs out of battery.  Also, if you've ever read some of the nonsense that gets published in the inkies and thought, "I could do better than that," then let them know.

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